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In the era of e-commerce, many brands are shooting for selling their products in online platforms, especially on Amazon. For the sake of their success, brands must know some elementary principles according to which they should present their products, and therefore, themselves.
First of all, let us have a look at the definition of the word “brand”, this is where we should start from. According to the Macmillan dictionary, a brand is a “product or group of products that has its own name and is made by one particular company.”  If you have products under your name, then you are in the right spot, you’re on the way to your success, and after this blog you’ll start getting the hang of things!

Great companies are built on great products! For this particular reason, your product should present you, show your real face, and your real intentions. Selling on Amazon is a great experience, but sometimes many brands find themselves in a loop, since they don’t feel that their products are in demand. But here’s what we think – you just have to capture the right nuance.

If you’re a brand, then you are offering a unique and one-of-a-kind product, which should be visible for the public. Amazon is a great platform for implementing this strategy, if you know how to start. When listing your product, you should initially pay your attention to the title of the product. Of course, it is important to stress your brand’s name, but remember, you make it not for the brand, but for the people interacting with the brand. Think like an ordinary person, who needs some stuff from Amazon. Give yourself a try, imagine you are the customer. What would you search for? What words would you type? If you face difficulties within this process, go and ask your friends, family, employees and others. By gathering all the necessary words, make use of that Amazon’s word limit and make a cut-throat title with its ultimate keywords!

What customers value most is the appearance of your product. How many times have you bought a product just because it looked good?  In this case, what you should do is to hire a professional photographer and get the engine running. Amazon has strict requirements regarding the pictures you upload to your listings; if you want to get more information on this, make sure you check out our Amazon Product Images Requirements blog. Just a word of warning: the ones who disobeyed Amazon’s rules simplygot suspended.If you want to maintain cordial relations with Amazon, simply do what it tells you. Frankly speaking, in this case Amazon is not a dictator who is trying to let you down. You’ll even benefit, if you upload adequate, clear and neat photos of your product. In one word, even rules can be good sometimes. 

You are the brand, and it’s a no-brainer that setting a price is up to you. But even this should be well-planned and organized. When setting up a price, think about your segment- the people you’re offering your products to, consider the prices of your competitors and understand what market demands.  

And finally! Let’s talk a bit about the description part. Keep in mind that customers care about buying the product. Let’s be honest: they don’t spend so much time reading the description. Have you? Anyway, that does not mean that you should carelessly fill in this section with meaningless words. Think about your product, be careful with it and treat it as your brainchild within the words of description: this way customer will see the real value standing behind your product.

Focus on those reviews and feedback. Let’s look at it from different perspectives. At first, Amazon is not kind to those who have negative feedbacks, and therefore, unsatisfied customers. So, basically, Amazon will suspend you for the sake of its’ customers’ satisfaction.  Just a friendly warning: don’t try to fake your feedbacks, Amazon’s special software will catch you off guard and suspend you.

Contrary to Nike, just don’t do it!

On the other hand, Amazon even helps sellers who maintain a good reputation and have good reviews. Thanks to those magic reviews, with the help of which the product ranking and sales will be better: the product rankings in search results will only benefit. Think of it again! The more you work on improving your customer-service, the more you’ll earn. This is not pure magic, this is business. But it can be spell bounding!

Hopefully now you understand how everything works and what Amazon requires you to do. We are always here for the brands who want to work with Amazon. This path may seem scary and intimidating at first glance, but this is not a reason to give up. We know, e-commerce business is full of secrets and can do your head in, but take a deep breath and let’s make this happen! 

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