Back in December one could hardly believe that after a few months, the whole planet would be taken over by a vicious virus. Day after day, we are increasingly convinced that humanity is subject to this pandemic, and COVID-19 has become a household name. However, we have to learn to live with this virus, trying to better prepare our health system, and taking all necessary precautions in order to protect our lives. The online world is not much different, as the virus has affected almost every aspect of life, in one way or another.
Amazon, for example, actively supports employees and contractors, offering them extra time off with pay for employees who are diagnosed with the illness. They also established a $25 million relief fund to help small businesses in this difficult period. Amazon also extended a helping hand to small businesses, by providing them cash grants.
According to Amazon, the safety of its workers around the world continues to remain its top priority and it is doing its best to keep the whole staff of this huge corporation healthy. That being said, it is still not exempt from the reach of the virus, with reports stating that workers from at least 8 US Amazon warehouses have been diagnosed with COVID-19. Amazon has been swift to counter, and has taken effective measures in disinfecting the affected warehouses while taking great care of diagnosed employees.
For example, those workers, who are positive with COVID-19 or are in quarantine now, will receive two-week payment. Amazon want to make sure that its employees do not have to worry about lost pay during this period, which is something that is troubling many other businesses. Headed by the richest man of the world, Jeff Bezos, Amazon has established a relief fund with nearly $25 million to support both free delivery service partners and their drivers. It also actively supports Amazon Flex participants, and seasonal employees. All these groups have a chance to apply for grants if they diagnosed with COVID-19, or have to stay at home during their self-isolation period.
This fund also helps those employs or contractors who have financial problems due to natural disasters, federally-declared states of emergency, or because of their own hardship. Amazon offers grants from $400 to $5000 dollar per person on a case-by-case basis. There is a special website where people who came across with this problem can apply, without additional steps.
According to the Amazon, this time is considered to be the hardest period of modern human history and we are all currently hostages of COVID-19. The only way to overcome this is through unity and worldwide cooperation. Amazon and other online marketplaces are at the front line, doing their part in helping the situation.